Sunday, January 30, 2011

Stock Show 2011

Aaron had such a great time at the Stock Show with Kimmie and Papa. He looked so cute in his western gear. He loved all of the animals and I think he had almost as much fun as his grandparents did!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Full Term!

As of today, I am 37 weeks pregnant and Abby is considered full-term! We are so thankful for a complete and healthy pregnancy. We have fun things planned for this weekend and we can't wait to meet the addition to our family very soon!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Catching Up

It has been two weeks since I have done a post on what Aaron and I have been doing. That's partially because we haven't been doing a whole lot, but also because I have been HORRIBLE about taking pictures. I am at a very lazy place right now and if the camera is not sitting beside me I'm just not running to get it. I am sure I am going to regret that when I look back over this little hole in Aaron's picture history!

But here is what we have been up to. On Wednesday January 12, Jory came home for lunch. That was SO nice. Jory used to eat lunch at home every day, but where we live now in relation to his job does not make it feasible. So this was a special treat and Aaron loved it.

Thursday January 13, 2011

Aaron and I spent the afternoon at Mimi and Grandad's and had so much fun. Well, Aaron had fun. I was just lazy and sat in a big comfortable chair while Aaron wore his grandparents out! Friday January 14, 2011

Aaron and I met Ann for lunch. It is always so nice to see her - plus we got all the fun stuff for Abby's room!
Saturday February 15, 2011
Jory left in the morning to do some things at the deer lease. This is the last time he and Toby would be able to get out there until after Tax Busy Season. Papa and Kimmie came over for a little bit after Jory left and played with the Little Man. Papa read him lots of books and he read Papa some books, too.

Friday January 21, 2011
This was actually the next time Aaron and I got out. He was fighting a cold all week and it was not pleasant outside, so we had a lot of Mama/Aaron time inside! It was wonderful, but I didn't take any pictures! On Friday, we met Braysen and Laura for lunch at a really nice Chick-Fil-A. It was fun, but Aaron was a little hard to handle. You could tell he hadn't been out for a while.

On Sunday January 23, Papa and Kimmie stopped by on the way back from the airport where they had picked up Jory's Aunt Anne. Aaron got to visit with her for a bit and it was a super nice visit. And today (Friday January 28) Aaron is at the Stock Show with John and Kim. He looks super cute and I hope they are taking pictures because I sure didn't take one this morning! Sigh. I will do better next week!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pretty much the cutest outfit ever

Thank you, Kimmie and Papa!
We had a doctor's appointment today. We'll have one next Tuesday and the Tuesday after that and then the following Tuesday is the delivery! The appointment went well. My blood pressure is great. Abby's heartrate is great, all is well. My doctor is not going to do exams since she can't change the C-Section date even if she thinks I'll go into labor, so it will not be known whether Abby appears to be getting ready to come early - it will just be a surprise if she does!

Aaron's Funnies

Aaron saw this picture the other day and brought it to me shouting, 'Papa!'. Apparently, Papa John and Mr. Incredible share a striking resemblance. Aaron gets very excited now when he sees Mr. Incredible/Papa pictures! Another funny is that Aaron was playing with my old broken cell phone the other day and he 'called' Grandad. He said, "Hi, Grandad! It's Aaron." (Hi Dawl! E.) He then proceeded to have a five minute 'conversation' with Grandad in which he would talk for a while and then pause and let Grandad say some things. And then talk again. He laughed at a bunch of the stuff Grandad 'said' and even answered some questions. It was so funny to me.

Finally, Grandad and Mimi have an Elmo doll that Aaron is in love with. They always have it waiting for him when he arrives. Now when you ask Aaron who lives with Mimi he says 'Grandad and Elmo'. He's even added Elmo to his prayers.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

36 Weeks

I was 36 Weeks Pregnant as of yesterday. The top picture was taken today and the bottom was taken at 36 Weeks with Aaron. I've gained 26 pounds, so I'm probably going to end up gaining the exact same with Abby as I did with Aaron.
Abby will be born 3 weeks from Tuesday (if not sooner). We're installing her car seat tomorrow and I think that is the last thing we need to do!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Aaron adds new words to his vocabulary every day and we love it. We just look at each other like, 'where did that come from?'. But even with all the words he can say, there are a whole lot he can't. For many of those he has a sign and for many of them he just doesn't say anything. There are four things, though, that are apparently important enough to him that he
has assigned 'words' he can say to them. Even though what he says sounds nothing like the actual thing he is referring to, he uses his 'word' consistently in reference to the object and definitely has the meaning down. So we go with it. We know what he's talking about, at least.

Here are those words: Yes is 'Awww Way'. This was the very first word that he assigned something to and he has used 'Awww Way' to mean 'Yes' for months now. If you ask Aaron a Yes/No Question he will consistently say 'No' or 'Awww Way'.

Truck is 'Big'. If Aaron says 'Big' he is referring to a truck. If he wants to refer to the size of something as big, he will not say 'Big'. He will say 'Big Bear' or 'Big Bird'. 'Big' alone is a truck.

Grandad is 'Dowel' or 'Dawl'. I am not sure how to spell this one. He has had this one for about a month and he is definitely consistent with it. I think Grandad is just so glad to be called something finally! Jory loves this one. He now refers to his dad as 'Dowel' when he talks about him. It may stick.

Aaron is 'E'. This is fairly new, but he's definitely sticking with it. 'E Bear' is Aaron's Bear.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

8 Months

Abby's delivery date is one month from today! I've gained 25 pounds and am starting to be a lot more comfortable, so Miss Abby may be settling into a nice spot. Everything is ready for her arrival and Ann made a few more things for her room that I just LOVE. We got them yesterday so I will get them in place and get pictures up soon.

Have a blessed weekend!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Our Day

Today we had a sonogram for Abby and we took Aaron with us. He and Jory read while we waited. We got to see our sweet girl who weighed in at 5 pounds, 9 ounces. With 5 weeks (from today!) to go until the C-Section, she is running within normal range, but a little on the larger end of normal. She is doing great! She is head down already, has plenty of fluid and is still SO active. It's rather crazy. The nurse said things could not look more perfect! After the appointment Aaron and I headed to meet Papa John for lunch. Papa doesn't get to see Aaron as much as he'd like because of that job thing he's got to do, but we've figured out that a quick lunch works for all of us. Aaron had been talking about it for three days ('Papa eat', 'Papa eat'), so I was glad when it was time to go! We had a great time and Aaron is still sleeping off the fun. He's been out for 2 hours, 20 minutes. We are blessed!

22 Months

Aaron, you are twenty-two months old today! We just got the invitations for your second birthday party in the mail and we can't believe how quickly time has flown. We were watching videos of you from a year ago and it was unbelievable - our baby is becoming a boy!
You now have 100 words that you say on your own, in context. The ones that you have picked up since last month are: Owl, Bib, Balloon, Nuts, Read, Make up, Back, Light, Music, Bird, Red, Jeans, Bus, On, Ow, Oh, Lid, Turtle, Monkey, Apple, Duck, Boat, Blue, Mail, Off, Out, Juice, Dinosaur, Pear, Corn, Kim, Peas, Aaron, Down, Black, Bed, Orange, Ear, Purple, Bee, Hand, Wagon, Water, Leaves, Flower, Broom, Horse, White. Mama's going to have to quit keeping track now because there are so many new ones each day. A lot of them require parental interpretation to others, but many of them are clear as a bell.

Your two favorite things to do are to be read to and to play with your rocks. You could be read to for hours. If it was up to you we wouldn't move from the couch all day. But since Mama does have to do some other things during the day you will occupy yourself with putting your rocks in and out of every container and toy truck you can find!

You have started to pray on your own! It is so sweet. You bow your head, close your eyes and pray for Mama, Daddy, Aaron and Abby! You also love to have your little bible read to you and you say 'Hallelujah!' in your own sweet way.

You are so sweet and loving and we just can not get enough of you. You are already such a good big brother. You love to give Abby kisses in Mama's stomach and you try to feed her and give her toys. We love you, Aaron Allen!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Christmas video!

Here's our first video posting on the blog! Aaron is helping open one of Daddy's presents on Christmas morning.

For a little nostalgia, here is a clip from Aaron's first Christmas morning last year. What a difference a year makes!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Week in Review

This isn't exactly Project Life Tuesday since I haven't taken many pictures this week and we have done almost nothing, but it's a little peek into life right now in The Allen Household.

Tuesday December 28, 2010

Kimmie and Papa were supposed to come over, but they rescheduled for Thursday so Aaron and I did our normal Thursday morning grocery shopping on Tuesday and then spent the day at home.

On Wednesday we were supposed to have lunch plans that also got rescheduled, so went spent the day at home again. We had a sweet time, but I didn't take any pictures.

Thursday December 30, 2010

Kimmie and Papa came over. Kimmie and I went shopping for Abby - boy, did we! And Papa stayed at the house with Aaron. Aaron had a great time and asked for his Papa for days after that. Jory got off work early for the New Year's holiday and spent lots of time with Aaron. They went for a run and to the park and then rode Aaron's car (in his PJs!).

Friday and Saturday we took down Christmas decorations, Jory did major organizing in the garage and we had lots of family time. Jory and I watch two movies over the weekend and it's been a while since we watched anything! We had a very quiet New Years. We rang it in around 9pm with some Gingerale and headed to bed!

Sunday January 2, 2011

We went to church and then after Aaron's nap we headed to the mall to return some things. Then we met the Fishers for dinner. It's hard for our families to schedule time to get together and this was such a wonderful treat!

On Monday Jory headed back to work. Aaron and I ran some errands but stayed home all afternoon.

Tuesday January 4, 2011

Most mornings, Aaron unloads the dish washer. It's a thing for him and it's worked out okay so far.

We also had a doctor's appointment for Abby. I am almost 34 weeks and in two weeks we will start the weekly visits. All is well and Little Miss is still very active! Aaron is quite active, as well. He is loving to be read to and would gladly sit on the couch all day while all of his books are read to him over and over. He'll also occasionally read them to me. His vocabulary is increasing so quickly. I have been keeping track of all of his new words and he's picked up 40 in three weeks! On Wednesday we had our carpets cleaned which was SO nice. It gave us lots of time to hang out in the carpet-free living room and read lots of books!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011