Thursday, February 14, 2013

Old Pictures

We got an iPad for Christmas which has seriously revolutionized our lives (and saved us a pile of money since Jory was going to buy one in January).  BUT, I never take the pictures off of it.  For some reason I can not understand (and if Steve Jobs was around I would ask him) the adapter cord for the iPad is not the same as the one for the iPhone.  So, even though we have more iPhone cords than one could ever need, we only have one cord for the iPad and it stays downstairs for charging.  I never, ever bring it up to the computer to download pictures.  Thus, I still have pictures on the iPad from the day after we got it as a Christmas present.
This was Abby chilling on our bed sometime in January.
And this is her in her fancy, schmancy light up cowboy boots that she picked out her ownself
This was after church one day when it was cold which could have been any time in the past two months.
Oh, Sweet Aaron.  I love this picture of him in a basket.  It is actually the lock screen on the ipad which is something you can do with pictures that you take with a device but never remove from the device. 
Aaron reading his library books in his favorite outfit.
Aaron taking a gymnastics class.  That's him in the bright blue T-shirt.

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