Friday, August 29, 2014


We made it!
 The kids wore green for Dragon Spirit Day.  The first game is tonight and it's a BIG one!
 Once registration for bus riders was closed, we received a pick up and drop off time based on the number of registered riders.  This week, a lot of people have taken their kids to school, so the bus has picked up at 7:20 instead of 7:23.  This morning, it was raining (A LITTLE BIT) and I had the sudden realization at 7:17 that no one was going to let their kids stand at the bus stop in the (little tiny bit of) rain (because it never rains here and people totally freak out).  I said, "Aaron, you have to go outside NOW."  As soon as he stepped outside the bus came around the corner.  The other poor kid that rides at our corner almost missed it. 


We've had a fantastic week. The kids are loving school.  They are still waking up ridiculously early and they are still running into school with abandon. 


They got the CUTEST back to school card from Grandma Sheri (and Grandpa Tom, but I don't think he helped make it). 


It was HAPPY Mail!

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