Friday, October 7, 2016


We have done a horrible job of taking pictures and recording this pregnancy, but it is progressing beautifully!  I am 23 weeks today and almost 6 months pregnant!  Andrew has been measuring about a week ahead which is not surprising because I have big babies and is good because we will probably have him about a week early.  He is kicking like crazy.  It's just now gotten to the point that you can feel it from the outside, but he's been nuts on the inside for a while!  He is very active as we have seen on all of our ultrasounds and I have felt!  He especially gets to kicking when anything touches my stomach.  I have gained 15 pounds which is very similar to where I was with the other two at this point.  I am still working out every day and feel really good right now.  We are in the process of getting his room ready and are so excited about this little boy! 

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