Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Lunch Time

Every week I have lunch with each of the kids at school.  I have done it since they started preschool.  I have missed very few weeks in 5 years.  And as long as they will have me I will continue to do it.  Now Andrew joins in and he is getting quite well known at the school.  I always eats what the kids are eating and we talk about their day.  I feel like I get so much out of them because they are in the moment right then versus coming home at the end of the day.  I try to remember to take a picture every time but sometimes I miss it (like last Friday with Aaron).  But I am always there.  And the week after Andrew was born my dad and Sheri went in my place and the kids still hold that as one of the best days ever!  It is such a special time and I hope they treasure these memories.




 Andrew ate peas and pears off the tray this day


These were my niece's shoes

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