Friday, February 19, 2016

Weekend Fun

Jory surprised us Saturday morning with tickets to the IMAX in Fort Worth!  We saw a movie about National Parks and it was great!

 Afterwards, we ate at Great Outdoors and it was fantastic!

 Abigail got Elsa and Anna sunglasses in the mail from her grandparents that day!

We had her birthday dinner with Dee and Papa at Hibachi that night.  She got an Elsa doll and flower cupcakes!

This dress is flower in the shape of hearts and it was mine.  She chose it for her Valentine's Weekend outfit!


We usually do a Valentine's Dinner with the kids, so we took them to Cotton Patch after church on Sunday.  It was actually Valentine's Day and I guess Cotton Patch isn't a romantic spot, because it was pretty empty!



 New PJs from Dee and Papa

It was such a fun weekend!

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