Saturday, September 3, 2016

Random Phone Pictures

This is actually from the airport before the guys left for Ecuador in July
This is one of my books from childhood.  I have A LOT of them and my kids LOVE them.  This one's great because my dad named the fuel truck.
Aaron filled this out at church his first day of 2nd grade Sunday School.  Love.
We've never made a jack o lantern and I know myself well enough not to assume I ever will, but if I did...


Selfie from the first Dragon Game

Painting.  She LOVES to paint

Kicking a board at Aiden's fun Martial Arts Birthday Party


She loves to take pictures on the Target Balls
Picnic night!


Target again

DYING.  Jory pulled down all of our bins of baby stuff for me to go through.  This was my brother's and it has Flopsy Mopsy and Cottontail on it.  I may be planning a Peter Rabbit birthday party around this outfit. 
AND...we got all of these after Aaron was too big to wear them, but look at what I found for Andrew.  Uncle Doug was a very well dressed baby.
Just for fun.  Really?  This is coffee.  I am so confused. 

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