Thursday, June 10, 2010

Big Boy!

Here are some pictures of Aaron being our Big Boy this week.

Rearranging our patio furniture Helping Daddy at the house

Eating lunch with Mama and Daddy at the dining room table. He is in his booster, but doesn't he look so grown up?

Getting that shaggy mop cut! He doesn't look thrilled, but he sure looks cute!

Drinking from a juice container. He drinks from cups unsupervised now and we only have a spill about once a week. Then he'll say "Oh! Oh!"


Spicy Magnolia said...

He is a big boy!! A precious big boy!

Beth said...

He's really working at hauling that bucket! He's strong, isn't he?
I love the polo shirt and striped socks combination--showing different sides of his personality, are we?!
What is that placemat "thingy" you've got? It looks really neat!
Love the updates!