Monday, September 7, 2015

The Week

 On Wednesday Abigail asked me to take this picture of her and send it to her teacher from last year.  And Aaron had his first golf lesson which went really well.





On Thursday morning Abigail was a princess and then I had lunch with her at school.

Thursday morning






Thursday night I had a meeting and had to bring dessert


Friday was dragon green day



 Jackson stayed with me Friday

 On Saturday we got a basket and Jory grilled vegetables and made a salad. Abigail also went to a new dance class on Saturday that is closer to our house and may work better with our schedule.  It went really well.

We went to the library on Saturday and  Aaron got a book about Ecuador


 And we got an ice cream treat
 Sunday after church Jory went to the lease and the kids and I went to lunch with some friends and then had a meal to make and take after naps.

Today we went swimming at Dee and Papa's

 Abigail is still napping and then we have another meal to take and then Daddy should be home!



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