Saturday, November 7, 2015

This Week

 We've had a nice week and a sweet weekend so far.  I took these pictures this week, because every morning Aaron seriously reads the Sports Section of the Paper and I thought I should document that.
 Abigail got a new dress from Grandma Sheri and Grandpa Tom!
 Abigail wrote this note to Aaron.  I swoon.  Aaron wrote her one to put by her bed that says "The battle belongs to the Lord".  He told her that if storms scare her in the night to see her note and remember that she doesn't have to have the sacredness all by herself because God will help her.  He also had a bit of a fire scare at school this week and he said he prayed silently while they waited for the all clear.  It makes me tear up.

Another new dress from the Grandparents.  She was so proud to be a flower!
 Lunch with Aaron.  I don't know why he looks miserable.

I babysat this week and when Baby Kellan fell asleep on me we all cuddled up for reading time.

And then I read to Abigail's class!


Aaron at the Dragon Game
 Abigail ready for dance
 And with her Turkey Dress over it all.
 This guy went hunting today and was very successful!  We missed him but are glad he had a great day and we are all looking forward to celebrating his birthday tomorrow.  I'm excited to have an evening out with My Favorite and the kids are excited to have an evening in with their favorite babysitter.  (And they are excited to celebrate Daddy tomorrow, too!)

Aaron and I went to Starbucks today while Abigail was at dance.


And we had to pick something up at Red Lobster in Frisco today so we had a fancy lunch there.  So much fun.  The kids loved the lobsters in the tanks.


 This afternoon the Perot Museum did a Science Festival at Abigail's school
 We had a fun time






 And here's the ending to the day with Jackson sacked out.  I sent this to Julie because he told me it was too dark and I told him if he wasn't asleep in 15 minutes I would open the door.  This was four minutes later.

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