Saturday, June 6, 2009

Look what we're doing now!

Every week I pull out the Bumbo and every week Aaron screams as if in dire pain. So, every week I put it back, disappointed but determined to try again in a week. Today, though, Aaron seemed to be wanting so badly to sit up on his own against the Bobby. He kept falling, so I thought maybe he'd give the Bumbo a chance today. And he did! As you can see, he was very content. I think this will be good for both of us!

Aaron is adjusting very quickly to his new daycare. The women there interact with him so much! Yesterday when I went to get him he was in the daycare office because one of the administrators has taken such a liking to him that he gets to sit on the big guy's lap while he works. And the women in his room have been putting him in an excersaucer for two to three minutes and he just loves standing! So Daddy has to get his exersaucer ready for him!

Here he is in the Winnie the Pooh outfit from my aunt. He finally got to wear it. I wish you could see the matching socks. They are about the cutest things ever!

Last weekend we had our Sunday School class and their kids over for a cookout. It was a lot of fun and all the kids ran through a sprinkler and had a blast. Aaron slept through the whole thing! That was probably good - there were A LOT of people here! He woke up after everyone except the Suttons had left. He knows the Suttons and got to hang with them a bit, so it was nice.

I am still having a blast putting all his new clothes on him. This red and blue outfit is one of my favorites - it was his cousin Dillon's. I'm not getting very good pictures, though. Since he's at daycare all day my only times for photo ops are early in the morning when we are all trying to get out the door or in the evening when Aaron is ready for bed! So I try to take advantage of the weekends. The outfit he's in today in his Bumbo is from his great grandparents. I would say they have very good taste!

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