Saturday, February 7, 2015



I had lunch with both the kids on Friday.  Their lunch times are about an hour apart so it worked great.  Aaron didn't want his picture taken, but we had a good time together.
 After school he got to go to Basking Robbins for staying on green all week.  He has decided to systematically eat every ice cream in the store.  He has figured out the order for all of this.  Unfortunately, what would have been his first ice cream was Daqueri Ice (I don't know how to spell Daquiri), which is a rum flavored sherbet.  I made him have a taste since he didn't trust me that he wouldn't like it.  He didn't.  The next choice was a fat free ice cream, which I wouldn't let him have, so we were off to number three in the system.  Lemon Custard.  I also had him try this one and he liked it.  He really ended up loving this flavor which doesn't surprise me. 
And Julie and I are still selling the dog out of our Crockpot Planners.  We just shake our heads.  We have gotten a lot of positive feedback and I wish we'd saved it all, but I loved this one from this week!

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