Friday, July 31, 2015

Summer of Fun Continues

Oh, the catch up!!
Friday July 17 was Summer of Fun, Day 43. 

We went to the library,
 Ate bacon

And our Summer of Fun Activity was Rainbow Popsicles on the porch!

 We cooked out for dinner

On Day 44, Aaron and I headed to Ecuador for the Church Mission Trip which is going to be a bunch of separate posts.  I don't know that Abigail had a Summer of Fun Activity that day.  She took us to the airport and the only thing I know about her doing that day was reading her Sight Word Books at home which she was doing really well with.  Aaron got a small Lego Set which he did during our LONG layover in Houston

He also worked on a Magic Treehouse Activity Book that Janice gave him
 And ate pizza


I don't know of any Day 45 Summer of Fun Activities for Abigail, but Aaron ran around a big fountain in a park in Ecuador
But on Day 46, Miss Michelle showed up and Abigail has plenty to show for the week

 Daddy stepped back in for Day 51
 And on Day 52 she got a brand new outfit from Ecuador
 And got to show off the purple cakes she and Michelle made
It was such a blessing to know Abigail was doing so well and having so much fun.  Aaron's Week of Summer Fun/Work is coming soon. 

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