The rest of these pictures are of Aaron at dinner Wednesday night with Dad and Sheri. We went to Ted's. Well, we went to a restaurant that was called Ted's 20 years ago, but I can never remember the "new" name. Aaron was great. He just ate up his vegetables and smiled so sweet.
I think that's all we did Wednesday. This was the day that Aaron took three naps and we got to spend a lot of time at my grandparents, so that was the whole day. Aaron was such a good napper on vacation. He took a lot of two hour naps. Now that we are back home he is resorting to his standard 1 hour, 15 minute nap twice a day. I had hoped that the two hour nap would follow us to Texas but it was not to be.
Aaron was definitely showing signs of getting more teeth while we were in Ohio. Since we've returned one of his top teeth has poked through and the other one does not look to be far behind. He is drooling like crazy and he's been a little cranky. I can't decide it that's the teeth or just decompressing from the big trip.