Saturday, September 1, 2012

New School!

 Aaron starts his three-year preschool on Tuesday.  It is two days a week for three hours a day.  We made a last minute decision to move him to a different school.  It's still at a church, but it is a much, MUCH smaller school (and church), it's closer to home and it has shorter days. 
 I loved, LOVED his old school and I have mixed feelings about giving it up, but I have LOVED everything about the new school and all of the interactions have been wonderful.  Aaron has taken to it and that is great. We have had lots of visits there and his teacher has even come to the house to meet him.

We also decided to let Abby go.  I think his old school was too big and too overwhelming for Abby's age, but this environment seems to fit her. She has been to her classroom and had several play times on the play ground.
This was taken at her get acquainted day when she met some of the other kids in her class.
We hope she will get a bit out of it and we know she will enjoy it. 

Look for Back to School pictures for BOTH Munchies on Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

We can't believe they are in school. Growing up too fast!
Have fun at your new school and tell Dee and Papa all about it! We are excited for all of you.
Love to our little students, Dee and Papa

Beth said...

I see he wasted no time in finding the sand box! My, he looks so grown up in those first two photos!