We had our birthing class again last night. It focused on C-Sections. There were six of us there. The nurse told us that, statistically, two of us would have a C-Section. I am not a fan of that idea and I would have gone along blissfully without that knowledge. You know, one comes up unexpectedly at the end and you just have to go with it. But now I know ahead of time there's this decent chance of a C-Section. Was that really necessary? I think not.
Here are some other things that I find unnecessary. When in labor at the hospital, I will not be able to eat or drink (even water). I will only have ice chips and this doesn't change regardless of the length of my labor. They will, however, insert an IV if I start to dehydrate. I find that incredibly sweet. Now I have read in numerous books that hospitals do not allow eating or drinking during labor so I was prepared for this. However, I have also read that there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that drinking water is harmful to mom or baby even if an emergency surgery were to take place. It's just a rule. A stupid one in my small brain, but anyway. Here's what gets me. Jory and I have been told REPEATEDLY by nurses, in our birthing class, in books, by other people, etc. that it is very important that Jory have snacks and beverages with him during labor because it is absolutely necessary that he keep his strength up. For what? Is he pushing out a baby I don't know about? I can go 24 hours without water, but he's really going to need a Cliff Bar to get through this?
Anyway, Little One has still not received the memo that he or she may drop now. So I'm still not sleeping much. Do you think it's making me cranky?
Finally - two questions I am getting a lot: YES, the story of the Asian woman is true and happened just like that and she was entirely confident in her prediction of a boy. And, YES, there are still dates available in the Baby Pool if you'd like a chance to win some fun money. Of course, all of the available dates are before the due date since NO ONE thinks I am going to have this baby early. Another bit of information that I was fine without, by the way. Lie to me, people. Tell me that babies come early for first time mothers all the time!
Park City Utah
2 years ago