Saturday, September 8, 2012

More School Pictures

Aaron was so excited to go to his second day of school Thursday! He asked me to take his picture.
His teacher sent home a calendar so we know some of the things he will be doing each day.  We were able to tell him that they would be reading Clifford that day and he was thrilled.  When he got home, he was so excited to tell me that they read TWO Clifford books!

Aaron can recognize all of the letters of the alphabet, he can write a few of them and he knows the sound for several of them.  He can name at least one word that starts with each letter of the alphabet and he can also spell his name and Abby.  He's working on spelling Abigail.

He loves to carry his backpack.  When I picked him up on Thursday his teacher told me he needed a little bigger one to hold his folder, so he's on the hunt for one!
This is him in the car all ready to go. 

Abby waiting to pick him up after school and waving to everyone who went by.

We are really liking Aaron's new school!


Beth said...

Love our happy boy and his beautiful smile! I like his backpack; it's too bad it's too small. Where did you have it done? (I noticed the pic of the two of them on it.)
The school sounds wonderful and more like what you wanted for him.
Sweet Abby and her wave and smile!
Hope she can go this week!:>)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! He looks so grown-up!!