Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ohio Trip - Day One

Aaron did pretty well on our flight to Ohio. We were blessed to be in a row with an extra seat so he was able to sit by himself and pull down his tray table. He colored a lot. He did get bored and I felt like I needed to keep him constantly entertained, but it wasn't bad. When we got to the airport we were so surprised and happy to see his cousin Peyton with Grandma and Grandpa! We all went to lunch at Bob Evans before heading to my dad's. When we got to the house, Grandpa Tom showed Aaron the big pile of dirt he has! Aaron really enjoyed being outside at Grandma and Grandpa's - it's made for little boys! And Aaron did SO well with everyone! He let everybody hold him and he didn't need me around at all.
Aaron, Peyton and I went to visit Great Grandma and Grandpa Hartley that afternoon. Grandma Ruth pulled out all the stops with some fun toys!

And Peyton and Aaron practiced some wrestling in their living room.

That night Doug and Mindy brought all of the cousins (and pizza) to Dad's. It was so fun! The older kids swam and the adults hung out. We all had a good time.

Here's Aaron on Night Number One with Grandma Sheri. He looks awfully content, doesn't he?

1 comment:

Spicy Magnolia said...

I love the wrestling picture! It makes me chuckle.